Walking Safely Tips
Know your route. Try a practice walk together.
Whenever possible, walk in groups.
Always tell someone where you are going, and if possible when you will return.
Never hitchhike or take rides from people not arranged by your parents.
Walk on sidewalks. If no sidewalks exist where you are walking, walk along the shoulder, in the direction of traffic.
Use extra caution at driveways and alleyways.
Cross at corners. Avoid mid-block crossings whenever possible.
4 ways, ALWAYS! Look 4 ways before crossing – left, right, back and front.
Wait until traffic is clear in both directions before crossing. Make eye contact with drivers.
Cross in a straight line.
Put down distractions and continue looking for traffic as you cross.
If you are walking in the evening be sure to wear bright clothing, reflectors or carry a light.